1. What is the WSP/ATR (Annual Training Report)/PIVOTAL Reports and the benefits to
companies for submitting this to the SETA’s on an annual basis?
2. Unpacking the process of gathering all the data, compiling and submission to the relevant SETA.
3. Understanding what the OFO code is and how to link it to the occupation
4. Roles and Responsibilities of the Training Committee and the SDF; Understanding accredited vs unaccredited training
To gain a full understanding of WSP/ATR submission process
• What is a WSP/ATR(Annual Training Report) and PIVOTAL Report
• What are the benefits of submitting these reports to the SETA
• Why is it compulsory for certain companies to submit
• Understanding the reporting period and deadline date of submission
• Supporting documentation that must accompany these reports
Skills Development Facilitators (SDF), Training, HR, B-BBEE coordinators/administrators, Training Managers, HR Managers, Training Providers, Transformation Managers