Terms & Conditions


A 15% administration fee will be charged for all cancellations. All cancellations must be received in writing 8 working days before the webinar event. Thereafter the full webinar fee is payable.


Payment must be received before the event. Cheques made payable to ProBeta Training (Pty) Ltd:

  • Standard Bank Randburg
  • Account Number: 221006281


If you do not receive communication outlining participation details one week prior to the webinar event, please contact ProBeta on 011 886 1395 or info@probetatraining.co.za.

Webinar Cancellations

ProBeta reserves the right to change the date or cancel an advertised webinar without liability. ProBeta's liability in the event of webinar cancellation will be limited to a refund of the webinar fee.

Webinar Material

Webinar material is for the sole use of the participant and is the copyright of ProBeta Training (Pty) Ltd, provided on the basis that it is for your benefit and information only and that it shall not be copied, referred to or disclosed, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent. We shall retain ownership of the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the material, whether oral or tangible. You agree to keep confidential any methodologies and technology used by us to carry out our services.


The information and guidelines contained in our webinars are not intended to substitute individual professional judgement and analysis of the particular circumstances of each case. Rather, the information provided is only a guide to be used in conjunction with diligent application of the standards and procedures described by The International Federation of Accountants, The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors. Since the contents of our training courses are in most instances interpretation of generalised standards, opinions or judgements on topics which are not susceptible of exact delineation or universal agreement, ProBeta cannot and does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the procedures as a sufficient standard of professional care. All those using this template hereby agree that they will indemnify and hold ProBeta harmless from any claims or liability or expense arising, directly or indirectly, from that use or reliance.