This is the second webinar in a series that looks at the Ten Soft Skills Everyone Needs in the Workplace. In this session we will take a look at Teamwork and Problem Solving.
Teams don't work well without teamwork! Teamwork is important for the success of all businesses. To have a successful career, you need to work well with others which is why teamwork is so important in the professional world.
Problem solving is needed in every business and it is a skill that all employees should acquire in order to succeed.
To gain a clear understanding of the relevance and importance of soft skills in the workplace
• To develop the necessary soft skills to make a positive impact within a team and contribute towards the success of an organisation
Soft Skill 2: Teamwork
Identifying Capabilities
Get Into Your Role
Learn the Whole Process
The Power of Flow
Soft Skill 3: Problem Solving
Define the Problem
Generate Alternative Solutions
Evaluate the Plans
Implementation and Re-evaluation
Any employee that wants to make a positive impact in the workplace and be successful in reaching his or her career goals