SAICA CA2025: How to Complete Assessment Instruments [LOR only] for Reviewers

In-house course

3 Hours
Attendance at this seminar will secure 3 hour/s verifiable CPD points including other professional bodies (SAICA, SAIBA, ACCA, IACSA, IRBA & etc)
Tristan White   0118861395

Help reviewers understand how to rightly give feedback on the learning outcomes via the Learning Outcome Review (LOR), how to quality control evidence for meeting SAICA’s documentation requirements, how reviewers assist other role-players based on the feedback given in an LOR.

- Assessment instruments [LOR] and steps to complete from the reviewers
- Knowing how to give feedback and what the nature of the feedback looks
- Practical examples of reviewing evidence that meets SAICA’s quality
- Explanation of how decision trees work at LOR and PDS level where
relevant to reviewers