Assessed loss balances: Company and individual limitations explained

Attendance at this seminar will secure 2 hour/s verifiable CPD points including other professional bodies (SAICA, SAIBA, ACCA, IACSA, IRBA & etc)

The provisions governing the utilisation of assessed losses can be complex and challenging to navigate. Understanding these rules is the crucial first step in correctly applying them to individuals and companies, underscoring the need for expert guidance.

Join us for an engaging session where we collectively explore and explain the existing rules and the impact of amendments to these provisions. This interactive approach will ensure that you not only understand these rules but also feel confident in applying them in your professional practice.

• How does an assessed loss come about, and how does it impact the taxpayer's current year of assessment?
• When may an assessed loss balance brought forward from a prior year be utilised against current year income, and what
are the limitations on this utilisation? This discussion includes the limitations applicable to individuals under Section 20A
and the new limitations for companies.
• How are losses from multiple trades treated, and what happens when a trade is no longer carried on or when no income
is generated from trade?
• What other factors must the taxpayer consider in determining income and taxable income, and where are the grey areas
that need clarity from legislators?".

This course is designed for all taxpayers, practitioners, and accounting professionals who are seeking guidance or more information on the provisions governing the utilisation of assessed losses. We welcome all those who are interested in enhancing their understanding of these matters.