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So when it comes to voicing your opinions and values, dealing with conflicting views or even an explosive situation, how do you go about dealing with it? Do you build a nice campfire or do you burn everything around you?
The purpose of this short course is to help you draft a conflict resolution strategy, which is based on your unique style of communication and conflict handling.
We will consider the follow aspects to help you draft your conflict resolution strategy and thereby help you voice your values appropriately and effectively:
1. Core Values
2. Mission statement
3. Vision statement
4. Tall Trees - Social Profile overview and lesson by Hettie Brittz
5. Values lesson, based on John Maxwell's Change your World movement by Lynette Berger
Values Assessment
Draft your Vision Statement
Draft your Mission Statement
Draft your Conflict Resolution Strategy - the Tall Trees Way
One 5-minutes Ethics / Values / Compliance moment
One Table Discussion on ethics, including attendance register
One month's Values Journal - from our Authentic Journaling short course
Optional: The Tall Trees Leadership Report has not been included as part of the course structure. However, if you are interested, you are welcome to purchase your Tall Trees Leadership Report by following the link below:
Any Accounting, Auditing and Tax professional;
SAICA CA Trainees (in assistance of build up towards C9 requirements)
SAIPA Logbook Trainees