Asset for share transactions

Firm/Group/Company - R2127.50 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R598.00 (VAT Incl.)
Firm/Group/Company - R1598.50 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R448.50 (VAT Incl.)
Access your member discount with us by consulting the member instructions here BEFORE making a booking Here. Should you be unsure as to whether you have updated your profile correctly, please contact us BEFORE making a booking. NO MANUAL DISCOUNTS OR CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED.
Ms Jeanmari Van Der Schyff
31 Jul '24
09h00 - 11h00
Attending the course and successfully completing the post-assessment, will grant you 2 hour/s verifiable CPD, recognised by the various professional bodies (SAICA, SAIBA, ACCA, IACSA, IRBA & etc). Please note that the CPD certificate will only be issued once the post-assessment has been completed.
Web Based (Online)

Understanding the tax implications of any corporate restructuring transaction is not just crucial, it's a key factor that often determines the direction of the decision-making process.

This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate these complex tax considerations effectively.

This session will address the following:
• Brief overview of the underlying concepts to consider in corporate restructuring:
o Section 41 definitions
o Contributed tax capital
• Coverage of the main provisions from tax legislation dealing with asset for share transactions (types of transactions, requirements to qualify for certain tax relief):
o Section 42 – Asset for share transactions
o Section 43 – Substitutive asset for share transactions
o Section 24BA and 40C – Anti-avoidance provisions
• Practical issues with corporate restructuring
o SARS BPR 399 anti-avoidance provisions

All entities and tax practitioners who are engaged in corporate restructuring transactions, as well as auditors, might benefit from this course.