Group Coaching Format This format is designed to bridge the gap between learning and application, ensuring that the concepts we discuss are immediately put into practice. During the session, I will serve as your dedicated guide, facilitator, and coach, walking you through each step of the process. How the Group Coaching Works
House rules for a Safe and Interactive Space (PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMIT / MAKE A BOOKING):
1. Cameras on: We encourage turning your camera on to foster connection. We understand if this isn’t possible for everyone, but seeing each other creates a stronger sense of community, trust, and a safe space.
2. Mute when not speaking: Keep your mic muted when not speaking to minimize background noise, but feel free to unmute to share whenever you feel ready.
3. Share with intention: You are welcome to share your stories, reflections, and ideas. Speak from your own experience and allow others to do the same without judgment. Stay curious.
4. Respect Confidentiality: What is shared in this session stays in this session. This session will NOT BE RECORDED.
5. Engage in the Chat: If speaking up feels difficult, use the chat to share your thoughts. Every contribution matters.
6. Stay Present and Engaged: Limit distractions, keep your focus on the discussion, and bring your authentic self to the session.
#CA2025(Relational Acumen: Self-Management Skills)
Brain systems checklist (Prefrontal Cortex; Anterior Cingulate System; Basal Ganglia; Limbic System)
You are not stuck with the brain you have.
You can still make better choices.
#CA2025(Relational Acumen: Self-Management Skills)