"Maintaining ethics has never been more important and necessary for accounting professionals. With increasing pressure and limited time, a declining economy and no shortage of other factors that might impact and impair our professional behaviour, it is crucial to ensure that ethical standards are upheld.
Join Covanni for an interactive session on ethics for professional accountants in public practice, to provide insight into professional ethics. This session focuses on the practical application of the Codes of Ethics that apply to these professional accountants, resting on the fact that ethics is a journey rather than a checklist, and aims to enable professionals to assess and address ethical dilemmas in an efficient manner.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: - THIS COURSE DOES NOT ACCOMMODATE FIRM BOOKINGS. Should you have more than 10 individuals that wish to attend from your firm, please contact us to arrange an in-house option instead. - This course is not part of a series but is a stand-alone, once-off course. Alternative dates are merely listed to accommodate different schedules - the same course will be presented on all the alternative dates. - Should you be an IRBA member that renders audit as well as non-assurance services (in public practice or in business), we strongly advise that you attend only the dedicated session for IRBA members, as it entails the strict requirements for IRBA members. While this course is developed for members rendering non-assurance services in public practice, our Code of Ethics courses are all based on the same international Codes and have various elements that overlap. - Should you be an accounting professional other than an IRBA member that renders non-assurance services both in public practice and in business, we strongly advise that you attend this session only. While there is a dedicated course available for members rendering non-assurance services in business, our Code of Ethics courses are all based on the same international Codes and have various elements that overlap. *DISCLAIMER: THIS COURSE IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE FULL SATISFACTION OF ALL THE IRBA AND SAICA CPD REQUIREMENTS ON ETHICS ACTIVITIES, BUT SERVES AS A METHOD TO ADDRESS DEVELOPMENTAL NEEDS AND SUPPLEMENT CPD ACTIVITIES. MEMBERS ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT THEY HAVE PERFORMED THE RELEVANT SELF-ASSESSMENTS AND REFLECTION ACTIVITIES REQUIRED IN TERMS OF THE CPD POLICIES OF THESE REGULATORY BODIES. THIS COURSE IS ALSO NOT SUITABLE FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE C9 COMPULSORY ETHICS FOR SAICA TRAINEES - PLEASE REFER TO THE SEPARATE PROGRAMME THAT WE HAVE AVAILABLE FOR THIS ON THE MYSKILLS PORTAL*"