Work-Life Balance

Firm/Group/Company - R1748.00 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R500.25 (VAT Incl.)
Firm/Group/Company - R1311.00 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R373.75 (VAT Incl.)
Mrs Gillian Peach- Stander
17 Jun '25
09h00 - 10h30
Attending the course and successfully completing the post-assessment, will grant you 1.5 hour/s verifiable CPD, recognised by the various professional bodies (SAICA, SAIBA, ACCA, IACSA, IRBA & etc). Please note that the CPD certificate will only be issued once the post-assessment has been completed.
Web Based (Online)
Gillian Peach- Stander

Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge comes great rewards when it is done successfully. By balancing a career with home life it will provide benefits in each environment. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be able to produce more career-wise.

With a Work-Life Balance, you will be managing your time better. Better time management will benefit all aspects of life; you will be working less and producing more. This webinar will show how to focus on the important things, set accurate and achievable goals, and communicate better with your peers at work and your family at home.

• Explain the benefits of work life balance.
• Recognise the signs of an unbalanced life.
• Identify employer resources for a balanced lifestyle.
• Improve time management and goal setting.
• Use the most effective work methods for you.
• Create balance at work and at home.
• Manage stress.

Anyone that would like to improve their Work- Life Balance.