#CA2025(Relational Acumen: Communication Skills; Emotional Intelligence)
In this session we answer the question:
Group Coaching Format
This format is designed to bridge the gap between learning and application, ensuring that the concepts we discuss are immediately put into practice. During the session, I will serve as your dedicated guide, facilitator, and coach, walking you through each step of the process.
How the Group Coaching Works
House rules for a Safe and Interactive Space (PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMIT / MAKE A BOOKING):
1. Cameras on: We encourage turning your camera on to foster connection. We understand if this isn’t possible for everyone, but seeing each other creates a stronger sense of community, trust, and a safe space.
2. Mute when not speaking: Keep your mic muted when not speaking to minimize background noise, but feel free to unmute to share whenever you feel ready.
3. Share with intention: You are welcome to share your stories, reflections, and ideas. Speak from your own experience and allow others to do the same without judgment. Stay curious.
4. Respect Confidentiality: What is shared in this session stays in this session. This session will NOT BE RECORDED.
5. Engage in the Chat: If speaking up feels difficult, use the chat to share your thoughts. Every contribution matters.
6. Stay Present and Engaged: Limit distractions, keep your focus on the discussion, and bring your authentic self to the session.
Scientist and inventor George Washington Carver said, “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong.
Maybe you see things differently than your boss, colleagues, neighbours, children, parents, or spouse.
While your natural instinct might be to dismiss other people’s perspective or argue for your point of view, people with empathy work to see from others’ point of view, understand what they think, and feel how they feel. Join me in this lesson on Empathy where I will be unpacking a new tool on empathy!
Empathic Listening: Seven qualities you'll likely need .
A person’s most useful asset is not the head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help.” – Unknown
#CA2025Relational Acumen: Communication Skills; Emotional Intelligence)