Moving from Nice Girl to Powerful Woman

Firm/Group/Company - R1288.00 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R517.50 (VAT Incl.)
Firm/Group/Company - R966.00 (VAT Incl.) Individuals - R391.00 (VAT Incl.)
Attending the course and successfully completing the post-assessment, will grant you 1.5 hour/s verifiable CPD, recognised by the various professional bodies (SAICA, SAIBA, ACCA, IACSA, IRBA & etc). Please note that the CPD certificate will only be issued once the post-assessment has been completed.
Web Based (Online)
Gillian Peach-Stander

Nice is necessary but not sufficient! This webinar deals with the issues women struggle with, and will provide you with great tips and tools that can be used to succeed in the workplace.

Learn how to avoid the unconscious mistakes women make that sabotage their careers and gear up for success.

Topics include:
-You can only win the game if you actually play
-You don’t need to think or be like a man
-Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should do it
-Negotiation is not confrontation
-You don’t need to take a poll to make a decision
-The negative effect of needing to be liked

Women who want to take their career to the next level.